categories: Family & Relationships
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
Understand how human relationships affect mental and physical health. You will also learn about types of relationships in different contexts.
Identify unhealthy relationships and their signs, and gain experience in avoiding dangerous relationships through real-life examples to identify causes and effects.
Apply effective methods to improve the relationship between parents and children and understand their impact on personality. Identify ways to build and maintain a healthy relationship with a life partner.
Apply strategies to deal with harmful relationships and get out of them safely, recognize the characteristics and standards of healthy relationships, and benefit from important advice and guidance to improve your human relationships.
Free lessons
Course Introduction
Lesson 1: The Importance of Relationships in Our Lives
1. 10 Relationship Lessons
Course Introduction
Lesson 1: The Importance of Relationships in Our Lives
Lesson 2: Types of Relationships
Lesson 3: Meaning of Unhealthy Relationships
Lesson 4: Examples of Dangerous Relationships
Lesson 5: Relationship With Parents
Lesson 6: Relationship With Life Partner
Lesson 7: Dealing With Abusive Relationships
Lesson 8: Healthy/Healing Relationship
Lesson 9: From Experience as a Psychiatrist
Lesson 10: From Experience as a Human Being
Course Wrap Up
In a world where relationships are intertwined like spider webs, strong but sometimes fragile, this course comes as a beacon that lights your way in the sea of human relationships. It is not just an educational course, but an exploratory journey into the depths of the human soul and its interactions with others. We will delve into the importance of relationships in our lives, learn about the types of relationships, and explore the basic qualities and standards of healthy and harmful relationships. This course is an invitation to everyone who wants to improve the quality and understanding of their relationships deeply. Whether you are looking for ways to improve your relationship with your parents, life partner, or even with yourself, Dr. Mohamed Taha offers you advice and guidance based on his experience as a psychologist and as a human being and presents a comprehensive and in-depth perspective, enhanced by practical examples that make learning a living experience.
There are no requirements for this course. All you need to get the most out of this course is your interest in the course subject and your desire to learn.
Consultant and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
5,964 Learners
1 Course