categories: Family & Relationships
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
The concept of raising kids and its fundamentals, and how to raise a generation of children with strong independent personalities through the right parenting style.
The characteristics of a professional parent/educator who is considered the most important reason behind proper education and well-behaved independent kids.
The different parenting methods that every father, mother, and educator must follow to raise the child properly, and what methods they should be avoided.
Free lessons
Hesham and Manal Story
Raising Kids Concept
1. A B of Raising Kids
Hesham and Manal Story
Raising Kids Concept
Characteristics of Professional Parents
Factors Affecting the Child's Personality
Genetic Factors
Surrounding Environment
Inspiring educational stories
The Preferred Parenting style
Authoritarian Style
Uninvolved Style
Permissive Style
Democratic Style
Variety of parenting styles
How to raise your kid using Democratic style?
Common mistakes in raising kids
Parenting styles differ from one parent to another. Yet, they all have to incorporate scientifically proven foundations to raise healthy generations. This course addresses parents, teachers, and psychologists to help them understand how to raise kids properly. The course will discuss the main factors that contribute to shaping the child's personality, the different parenting styles, and which one has proven to be the most effective. At the end of the course, you will understand the fundamentals of raising children properly and how to do it professionally.
There are no requirememts for this course. Your interest in the topic and your committment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
PhD, Certified Trainer and Consultant
3,476 Learners
9 Courses