categories: Technology & Innovation
How to add comments and what their function is, what variables are and what different kinds of data there are, together with learning about various numbering systems.
The foundational basics of programming and its must-know jargon and terminologies, together with learning how to write your very first C++ code from scratch.
How to use arrays, two-dimensional arrays, and functions, together with getting acquainted with Cmath Library and how to perform basic mathematical operations.
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CodeBlocks IDE
1. Basics of Programming With C++
Editors And Compliers
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CodeBlocks IDE
First Code
Memory Location
Variables and Data Types
Number System
Initialize Variable
Basic Operations
Postfix Prefix Operations
Compund Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Cmath library
If And Else If And Nested If
Switch Statement
Ternary Operator
2D ِArray
Debug Mode
Pointer With Function
Pointer With Arithmetic Operations
Pointer And Array
Array Of Character Reverse
Array And Function Pointer Reference
Picking a programming language is the preliminary step every newbie should undertake before diving into the programming field. And no other language would top every programmer’s first choice; the renowned C++. Not only for being a general-purpose language that is used to build fast and reliable software but also for creating programs that can run on different operating systems. With that said, this training course is designed to introduce you to the basics of C++ and how to use it to code and build programs on your own.
This training course requires downloading Code Blocks.
Telecommunication & Electronics Engineer
1,325 Learners
3 Courses