categories: Family & Relationships
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
Recognize the benefits of breastfeeding and the lactation stages. Moreover, be aware of the most effective breastfeeding positions and factors that decrease milk supply.
Identify how to breastfeed twins and breastfeeding during pregnancy. Moreover, learn how to deal with postpartum depression and breast refusal.
Gain information about useful equipment and supplies such as types of breast pumps. In addition, learn tips on introducing solids to babies.
Free lessons
Course Introduction
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Benefits of Breastfeeding and Anatomy of the Breast
Breast Development and Stages of Lactation
Hormones of Lactation
1. Course Introduction
Course Introduction
2. Breastfeeding Basics
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Benefits of Breastfeeding and Anatomy of the Breast
Breast Development and Stages of Lactation
Hormones of Lactation
Breast Milk Composition and Colostrum "Liquid Gold"
3. Establishing Lactation
Establishing and Building Milk Supply
Early Initiation of Breastfeeding
Poper Latch and Position
Avoid Nipple Confusion
Exclusivity of Breastfeeding
4. Milk Supply
Indications for Milk Transfer
Milk Supply False Alarm and Factors That Decrease Milk Supply
5. Breastfeeding Challenges
Mother: Nipple Size
Mother: Sore Nipple and Milk Bleb
Mother: Breast Size and Engorgement
Mother: Engorgement - Causes and Treatment
Mother: Clogged Duct
Mother: Mastitis
Mother: Management of Mastitis
Mother: Breast Abscess and Breast Surgeries
Mother: Twins
Mother: Breastfeeding During Pregnancy and Tantum Nursing
Mother: Breastfeeding During Illness and D-MER
Mother: Postpartum Depression 1
Mother: Postpartum Depression 2
Baby: Tongue Tie
Baby: Thrush and Colic
Baby: Reflux and Lactose Intolerance
Baby: Cow Milk Protein Allergy and Biting
Baby: Breast Refusal
Baby: Premature
Baby: Jaundice
6. Breast Milk Changes
Changes During Day and Night and as the Baby Grows
During a Feeding Session, Illness, Change in Color and Taste
7. Breastfeeding Supplies
Nipple Shield and Creams
Breast Pads and Shells, Nursing Pillows, Covers, and Bra
Bottles and Pacifiers
8. Breast Pumps
Types of Breast Pumps
The Haakaa Pump nd Storage of Breastmilk
How to Clean the Pump and Power Pumping
9. Solid Food
Introduction to Solid Food
Importance of Starting Solids
Readiness for Solids
Tips on Introducing Solids and Food Allergy
What to Avoid Before the Age of 1 Year? And Tools Needed With Solids
Breastfeeding After the Age of 1 Year
10. Weaning
The Last Stop!
11. Course Wrap Up
Course Wrap Up
Have you been wondering about breastfeeding and want to feel prepared? Then our ''Breastfeeding Guide'' course is perfect for you! This informative, easy-to-follow course will equip you with all the necessary information on how best to breastfeed. In this comprehensive course, discover the importance of nursing your child as well as proper positions for latching them onto mother's breast - Not only that but also learn what tools are needed when introducing solid foods at an appropriate age & avoid any potential postpartum depression. Take control now by signing up today and ease into mastering the journey of breastfeeding!
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant
130 Learners
1 Course