categories: Business & Professional Skills
Level: Specialized
Course Language: Arabic
To grasp core business analysis concepts for financial institutions, emphasizing communication and collaboration. Moreover, develop a solid understanding of the fundamental principles and techniques of business analysis.
To comprehend how business analysis drives financial institutions toward their goals, using probability theory and explore the role of business analysis in aligning financial institutions' activities and strategies with their overall objectives.
Recognize business analyst roles, financial institutions' importance, and master financial statement analysis and data visualization and learn how to interpret financial data.
Free lessons
What is business analysis?
Analytics Types
What does a Business Analyst do?
Business Analysis Trifecta
1. Introduction to Business Analysis
What is business analysis?
Analytics Types
What does a Business Analyst do?
Business Analysis Trifecta
Difference Between Business Analysis Careers
Key characteristics of a successful business analyst
2. Understanding Financial Institutions’ Needs
Understanding Financial Institutions Needs
Understanding the Business Model
Strategic Level vs Functional Level Relationship
Common applied soft skills in the workplace
Common Misconceptions in the Workplace
Doing multiple roles at the same time (Pros)
Doing multiple roles at the same time (Cons)
3. Overview of Business Analysis in Financial Institutions
Overview of Business Analysis in Financial Institutions
The Business Analytics model
The DIMO Framework
The Rockart Model
Business Analysis Flowchart
Loopholes in theory implementation
4. Concepts of Business Decisions
Business Decision Models
The NOISE Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Cost Benefit Analysis
Risk Analysis - Part 1 - Overview
Risk Analysis – Part 2 - ISO31000 Risk Framework
Pareto Analysis
The BAD Model
5. Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
Data Classes
Quantitative vs Qualitative Data
Data Representation
Measures of Central Tendency
Shape of Distribution
Spread of Data
Hypothesis Testing
Linear Regression
6. Storytelling and Reporting
Data Storytelling
Reports’ View
Reports’ Structure
Business Intelligence Reporting
Needed Technical Skillset
Effective Data Storytelling
7. Bonus & Summary
This comprehensive course explores the essentials of business analysis in financial institutions as you will gain insights into concepts, communication, and collaboration vital for effective analysis. Discover how business analysis propels financial institutions towards their goals through probability theory. Moreover, delve into roles, financial statements, and data visualization techniques. Noting that this course is suitable for those seeking a solid foundation in financial business analysis.
To enroll in this course, participants should have a basic understanding of business concepts. Proficiency in English and general knowledge in statistics are required for reading and comprehension of course materials.
Finance Analytics & BI Expert
368 Learners
1 Course