categories: Education & Academics
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
Make correct decisions and be able to choose the most suitable major for you by learning the most famous decision-making and learning theories.
Discover what your natural strengths are, know what skills motivate you, know what you look for at work, and how your interests can be turned into future jobs.
Identify the most suitable career for you and what jobs not to pursue. Furthermore, acquire skills that will help you learn fast and easily.
Free lessons
Course Introduction
Your Circle of Influence
1. Introduction
Course Introduction
Your Circle of Influence
2. Famous Decision-Making Theories
Bounded Rationality
Expected Utility
Are Colleges Preparing Students for the Workforce?
3. How to Choose a Career
Classical and New
Personal Evaluation
Jobs Not to Pursue
How to Hack Learning
4. Learning Theories
Theory 1
Theory 2
Theory 3
Theory 4
Theory 5
5. Famous Learning Styles
Kolb 1
Kolb 2
Kolb 3
Dunn & Dunn 1
Dunn & Dunn 2
Dunn & Dunn 3
Dunn & Dunn 4
Honey and Mumford
6. Course Wrap Up
Course Wrap Up
Are you stuck in deciding what major to pursue? We understand the struggle! It can be difficult and overwhelming. But we've got a solution for you that'll make it easier: our ''Choose Your Major & Unleash Your Learning Potential'' course! With this comprehensive, science-based approach, you will gain an understanding of who you are how your brain works best, and how to make a decision so that ultimately - you get clear on which path is right for YOU. Get ready to unlock infinite possibilities by mastering powerful skills designed especially according to your needs. Join us today – the time has come to shine brighter than ever before!
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Professional English Instructor And Performance Coach
24,184 Learners
6 Courses