categories: Technology & Innovation
Build advanced responsive layouts quickly and easily with minimal codes, photo galleries, and menus using flexbox.
Build a complete website with advanced responsive layouts like (the holy grail layout - the equal columns layout - the horizontal masonry layout) and so much more.
Understand how every property works and how a specific property can be used to control the layout in different ways and how to enhance your productivity and save more time as a web developer.
Free lessons
Creating our first flexbox container
Understanding main and cross axes
More about flex flow property
1. flexbox basics
Creating our first flexbox container
Understanding main and cross axes
More about flex flow property
learning the flex wrap property
2. Controlling the alignment of elements using css flexbox
Aligning elements with justify content property
More about justify content
Aligning elements with align items property
Aligning a single element with align self property
Aligning multiple lines with align content property
learning the order property
3. controlling the sizing of elements using flexbox
flex grow
flex shrink
flex basis
4. Use flexbox in action and build two menus
Section overview and starting files
Building a simple menu with flexbox
Building an advanced menu with flexbox
5. Our flexbox-based project
Overview of our final project
Building the holygrail layout
Building our header using flexbox
Building and styling our posts section
ِAdding flexbox to our posts
Building and styling the watch section
Adding flexbox to the watch section
Building and styling the download section
Adding flexbox to the download section
Building our gallery with the horizontal masonry layout using flexbox
Adding gallery lightbox plugin to our gallery
Building our sidebar using flexbox
Building our menu and our footer
If you are still on the fence about where to start an efficient way to create complex layouts easily then this training course is designed to clear your doubts. In this all-in-one course, will create advanced responsive layouts using CSS only with just simple lines of code, You are only one click away from discovering, so start learning now!
This course requires basic Understanding Of HTML & CSS.
Senior Web Developer
951 Learners
5 Courses