categories: Business & Professional Skills
How to strengthen your personal and professional relationships through conflict management techniques to avoid straining your relationships.
To build skills specifically aimed at managing intercultural conflicts, and you will explore how competing interests, power imbalances.
The fundamentals of conflict management and resolution, how to harness the power of positive conflict, and hone your intercultural communication skills.
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Course Overview
Knowledge Base
1. Conflict Management Skills
Course Overview
Knowledge Base
Unhealthy Conflict Resolution Tactics
Effective Steps of Conflict Resolution - Part 1
Effective Steps of Conflict Resolution - Part 2
Effective Steps of Conflict Resolution - Part 3
Effective Steps of Conflict Resolution - Part 4
Effective Steps of Conflict Resolution - Part 5
Challenges of Conflict Management
Moving Forward
Course Summary
Very often, conflicts arise very silently and unnoticeably. If you don't tackle them on time, they will keep growing and escalating till they get completely out of hand. This course will allow you to read the signs and anticipate them before they escalate to more significant proportions. You'll have a deeper understanding of how conflicts arise and grow, how to intercept them, and how to tackle them on a win-win outcome.
This course requires a basic to intermediate level of English.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
4,732 Learners
2 Course