categories: Technology & Innovation
Level: Specialized
Course Language: Arabic
How to write codes for both the question text and the answer text. For example, what is your favorite color? The answer is: green, black, blue, yellow, etc.
How to setup a quiz application from scratch. For instance: how to create questions and answers option, then reset the quiz option or back to main menu.
How to add a score section after finishing the quiz or test, then change the colors and theme of the app entirely as preferred.
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Quiz App 1
1. Creating a Quiz App Using Flutter
Quiz App 1
Quiz App 2
Quiz App 3
Quiz App 4
Quiz App 5
Quiz App 6
Flutter is an open-source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, cross-platform applications from a single codebase using "Dart" programming language. This course is designed by the mentor, Hassan Fulaih, to teach you about Flutter framework. It is divided into multiple parts. In this part of Flutter course, you will get to learn how to create a simple quiz application with questions and answers.
This course for Flutter requires knowledge of Dart programming language basics.
We recommend that you pass the first part of Flutter Basics course.
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