categories: Technology & Innovation
Almost everything you need to know about various programming terminologies and jargon, together with getting introduced to programming codes from scratch.
The required software installation, how to set up the environment for the first time, and how to get acquainted with the program to make the most out of it.
What traditional and high-order functions are and how to use them, in addition to learning about recursions and how to pass arrays through functions.
Free lessons
Setup Environment on Windows
Setup Environment on Mac
Introduction to VS Code
1. Introduction
Setup Environment on Windows
Setup Environment on Mac
Introduction to VS Code
2. Dart Basic
Variables Part 1
Variables Part 2
Type Casting
Prefix and Postfix
If Statements
Conditional Operators
Nested, Infinite Loops
Control Statements
Degree App
Numbers Methods
Strings Methods
2D Lists
3. Functions
Optional, Default Parameters
Passing array through function
Exception Part 2
Lambda Expression
Higher-Order Functions
Where Part 1
Where Part 2
Iterable, Map and Spread Operator
Dart is a general-purpose programming language with a friendly learning curve. It’s basically the go-to language for designing single web page applications and websites. And while some people have the aforementioned as their end goal, others learn it as a prerequisite before diving into Flutter. The good news is, whether you were the latter or the former, this training course is what you’re looking for and will definitely meet your learning needs.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Software Engineering Expert
8,202 Learners
39 Courses