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categories: Business Management


Dealing With the Problem Employee

Duration: 3 h 21 m / 46 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: Arabic

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Understand who a problem employee is and their characteristics, and identify effective strategies for developing and retaining a rebellious and problem employee within the work team. Recognize the effect of problem employees on peers and managers. Learn Poka-Yoke theory to prevent hiring issues and manage current staff behavior.

  • Identify the causes of problem employee behavior, and learn how to deal with each of these factors effectively. Gain the skills of managing meetings with a problem employee effectively.

  • Develop a specific action plan to deal with a problem employee, including setting goals and practical steps to improve the relationship and improve performance.

  • Understand how to manage difficult employees by employing positive reinforcement & fair guidance. Prevent toxic culture in teams through effective leadership.

Course details

  • 3 h 21 m/46 lessons
  • Last updated: 17/3/2024
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Course Introduction

2 Minutes

How to Learn

1 Minutes

The Problem Employee Definition

1 Minutes

The Importance of Developing the Problem Employee

6 Minutes

The Issues That the Problem Employee Has

1 Minutes

About this course

Unhealthy work environments stem from mishandled employee issues, hindering productivity. This course explores the impact of rebellious employees on teams and organizations. Recognizing their influence on colleagues and managers, and understanding how their actions affect performance is crucial. By studying PoKa-Yoke theory, we prevent hiring problematic employees and address negative behaviors efficiently. Delving into the causes of such behavior, we learn systematic solutions. Managing meetings with problematic employees and devising action plans for improvement are essential skills. Effective techniques for directing such employees without fostering toxicity are discussed, fostering collaboration and conflict resolution.

Course requirements and prerequisites

There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.


Dealing With the Problem Employee

Duration: 3h 21m / 46 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic