categories: Family & Relationships
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
Learn to recognize the signs that indicate your marriage is worth the effort and investment, and identify the reasons that led to the breakdown of your relationship with your partner.
Determine what should be considered before giving the relationship another chance and decide if you can forgive yourself and your partner.
Distinguish between a troubled relationship and a dead one, gaining the necessary awareness to make the right decisions regarding your relationship with your partner.
Learn effective exercises and tools to regain control over your thoughts, memories, and self-doubts.
Acquire skills and tools that help you maintain healthy communication even during difficult times.
Apply strategies to overcome your negative thoughts and fears concerning the future of your relationship.
Free lessons
Three Possible Situations You Might Encounter
The Five Steps to Reviving a Relationship 2 and the Four Destroyers of Relationships
Types of Problems
1. Introduction to Divorce or Staying
Course Introduction
Who Is This Course For?
Three Possible Situations You Might Encounter
Characteristics of the Three Situations You Are Likely to Be Experiencing
Common Psychological Reasons and Motivations for Staying in Relationships 1
Common Psychological Reasons and Motivations for Staying in Relationships 2
Relationship Timeline
Module 1 Wrap Up
2. Exploring Oneself and Gaining a Clearer Vision
Module 2 Introduction
The Six Stages of a Relationship
Practicing Honesty With Oneself
Steps for Practicing Honesty With Oneself: 1- Awareness of Fears
Steps for Practicing Honesty With Oneself: 2- Conflict Style
Steps for Practicing Honesty With Oneself: 3- Awareness of Personal Habits
Steps for Practicing Honesty With Oneself: 4- Personal Biases and Expectations
Types of Problems
Confronting Relationship Problems and Challenges
Reshaping your Thoughts and Internal Dialogues
3. Reviving the Relationship: Proven Strategies for Sustained and Healthy Communication
Module 3 Introduction
The Five Steps to Reviving a Relationship 1
The Five Steps to Reviving a Relationship 2 and the Four Destroyers of Relationships
Healthy Alternatives to the Four Relationship Destroyers
The Five Steps to Reviving a Relationship 3
A Question for Reflection
Magical Recipes for Reviving the Relationship 1
Magical Recipes for Reviving the Relationship 2
Magical Recipes for Reviving the Relationship 3
Healthy Disagreements 1
Healthy Disagreements 2
Conflict Management
3 Fears That Lead to Relapses
Dealing with Frustrations
Some Challenges and Negative Outcomes
Positive Outcomes
Inspirational Story
Course Wrap Up
If you feel hopeless and frustrated with your marriage, exhausted from your repeated attempts to fix it, and see no hope, but at the same time, there is an inner voice telling you to wait and reconsider the decision to divorce, we offer you this course. It will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to make the right decision at the right time, a decision that aligns with your values, vision, endurance, and psychological needs. The course begins by exploring three main situations you might encounter: the decision to end the marriage, the uncertainty and hesitation between staying or leaving, and the desire to try again and give it another chance. We will delve into common psychological reasons that drive people to stay in unsatisfactory relationships, such as having children, financial stability, habits, and more. We will help you create a timeline of your relationship to better understand its development. Additionally, we will provide a comprehensive overview of potential situations and analyze them objectively. Then, we will move on to explore the six stages of a relationship and how to practice self-honesty, a process that starts with awareness of fears and ends with understanding personal biases and expectations. We will also cover the types of problems you may encounter and how to address them effectively, focusing on reshaping thoughts and internal dialogues to achieve a positive outlook. Moreover, we will provide practical steps to revive the relationship, including how to avoid the four relationship destroyers and replace them with healthy alternatives. Throughout the course, you will find practical exercises and reflective questions to help you apply what you learn in your daily life. We will offer effective recipes for reviving the relationship and managing conflicts healthily, with a focus on addressing fears that might lead to setbacks. We will also discuss how to handle frustrations and potential challenges and review the positive outcomes.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Psychologist, Coach, and Relationship Expert
188 Learners
1 Course