categories: Humanities
Determine the basic skills necessary to enter the field of underwater archaeology.
Learn about modern techniques in discovering artifacts and the role of technology in exploring and analyzing submerged archaeological sites.
Apply best practices for preserving artifacts and methods for protecting submerged archaeological sites.
Gain the necessary skills for safe and effective diving to explore underwater artifacts.
Recognize the importance of specialized training and the institutions that offer academic and practical training in the field of submerged cultural heritage.
Learn about real archaeological sites and how to manage submerged heritage sites.
Free lessons
Diving Training 1
How Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites are Discovered?
Maritime Archaeology
1. The Definition of Underwater Cultural Heritage
Introduction to Discover Underwater Cultural Heritage
Archaeology VS Archaeological Material
Archaeology and Supporting Sciences
Definition of Underwater Cultural Heritage
Characteristic of Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites
Maritime Archaeology
2. Underwater Cultural Heritage in Egypt
Underwater Cultural Heritage in Egypt 1
Underwater Cultural Heritage in Egypt 2
Underwater Cultural Heritage in Egypt 3
The Sunken Cities in Abu Quir Bay
Marsa Bagoush
The Thistlegorm Shipwreck
Khufu Ship
Ancient Harbours on the Red Sea Coast
Lake Mareotis Harbours
3. Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage Museums
Boats and Ships Museums
Commercial and Military Maritime Activity
Types of Displays in Maritime Museums
Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage Museums
Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites
Examples of Archaeological Reserves and Parks
4. Technology's Role in Preserving Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage sites.
Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites
How Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites are Discovered?
The Use of Technology in Discovering Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites
Digital Documentation of Underwater Cultural Heritage 1
Digital Documentation of Underwater Cultural Heritage 2
Managing Underwater Archaeological Sites
The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage
In-Situ Preservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage
Environmental Threats Affecting Underwater Cultural Heritage
5. Discovering Underwater Cultural Heritage.
How To Act When You Discover Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites 1
How To Act When You Discover Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites 2
Misconceptions About Underwater Cultural Heritage
The Role Of The Society in Protecting Underwater Cultural Heritage
6. Underwater Cultural Heritage Training
Diving Training 1
Diving Training 2
Diving Training 3
Capacity-Building Programs
Academic Studies Specialised in Underwater Cultural Heritage
Training Institutions
Course Wrap-Up
Get ready to dive into the depths of the oceans and explore submerged cultural heritage! In the "Discover Underwater Cultural Heritage" course, we will take you on an educational journey to learn about the discovery and understanding of submerged archaeological sites and their unique history. The course begins with a comprehensive introduction to the concept of submerged heritage and the difference between archaeology and artifacts. You will learn about the auxiliary sciences of archaeology that contribute to understanding and studying these submerged sites. We will cover the definition and characteristics of submerged heritage, including marine artifacts and how they are discovered. You will also learn about submerged archaeological sites in Egypt and maritime museums around the world, as well as how to preserve these valuable sites. In addition, you will discover the role of technology in finding submerged artifacts and how to act when discovering sunken artifacts. We will also correct some misconceptions about submerged heritage and clarify the facts accurately. Throughout the course, we will highlight the importance of training in the field of submerged heritage and how to obtain the appropriate training. You will also learn about diving training and acquire the necessary skills to explore these sites safely and effectively. You will have the opportunity to learn more about academic studies specializing in submerged cultural heritage and the institutions that provide this type of training. We will discuss the role of modern technology in facilitating the discovery and analysis of submerged artifacts and how to preserve them in their sites to ensure they remain for future generations. By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to begin exploring the world of submerged heritage confidently. You will receive a completion certificate that reflects your commitment to continuous learning and skill development.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Professor of Maritime Archaeology -UNESCO Chair-holder
404 Learners
1 Course