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categories: Soft Skills | Business Management

Foreign Language
Business Writing
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Effective Business Writing

Duration: 2 h 40 m / 28 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: Arabic

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Understand the basics of business writing and its importance in enhancing professional communication.

  • Learn effective writing strategies, including replacing long words with shorter ones, choosing specific words, and using appropriate business collocations.

  • Understand the stages of report writing, its structure, and how to organize ideas logically and coherently.

  • Write business correspondence, including greetings, introductions, requests, apologies, and complaints professionally.

  • Understand the basics of tone and how to convey messages appropriately; write responses that enhance positive communication.

  • Use the SOPPADA model to present effective proposals, and learn the dos and don'ts of proposal writing to ensure your proposals are outstanding and persuasive.

Course details

  • 2 h 40 m/28 lessons
  • Last updated: 22/12/2017
  • 8 Quiz
  • 5 learning resources
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Report Writing Tips

5 Minutes

Report Structure

6 Minutes

About this course

Mastering effective business writing is essential for professional communication and business success. Join our course to gain skills in writing business correspondence and reports, enhancing both internal and external communication. You will learn the importance of business writing, key traits for clarity and efficiency, active vs. passive voice, audience targeting, and accurate word choice. The course covers report writing stages, structure, and professional phrases for various business scenarios, with a focus on tone and presentation. You'll also learn pre-proposal writing using the SOPPADA model and the dos and don'ts of proposal writing. Completing the course will enhance your professional success and workplace credibility, with a certificate and access to over 1,000 educational courses.

Course requirements and prerequisites

A basic understanding of English is required.


Effective Business Writing

Duration: 2h 40m / 28 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic