categories: Soft Skills
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
Learn about the physical and psychological changes that occur during adolescence and how these changes impact teenagers' behavior. Identify the needs of teens at this stage to support them and strengthen your relationship.
Explore the challenges of adolescence and the difficulties parents face in their attempts to communicate with their teenage children.
Discover the best ways to communicate and engage with teens, identify the main issues they face and their causes, and learn strategies to overcome these obstacles to build a strong and positive relationship.
Learn how to reconnect with a disconnected teen and set practical boundaries.
Understand how to hold teenagers accountable without negatively impacting them, manage conflicts effectively, and maintain a family atmosphere of understanding and harmony.
Learn how to build a friendship with your teenage child and become their emotional coach.
Free lessons
Challenges That Negatively Impact Communication with Teenagers
A Practical Session with a Mother and Her Teenage Daughter: Asmaa and Joudy
Optimal Discipline Strategies for Teenagers
1. Understanding Teenagers
Course Introduction
The Physical and Psychological Changes Teenagers Undergo
Emotional and Psychological Needs of Teenagers
Challenges Faced by Teenagers During the Teenage Years
2. The Importance of Communicating with Your Teenager
Benefits of Effective Communication Between Parents and Teenagers
Risks of Poor Communication with Our Teenagers
3. Why Do We Lose the Connection with Our Teenager?
Challenges That Negatively Impact Communication with Teenagers
Causes of Relationship Breakdown Between Teenagers and Parents
How to Manage Conflicts with Teenagers Effectively
4. Practical Tools for Communicating with Teenagers
Steps for Effective Communication with Teenagers
Practical Solutions for When Teenagers Refuse to Communicate with Parents
The Magic Key to Understanding Teenagers
Raising Teenagers by Focusing on Their Strengths
5. The Challenge of Setting Boundaries with Our Teenagers
Why Do Teenagers Push Boundaries?
Setting Practical Boundaries and Effective Parenting Tools for Teenagers
Optimal Discipline Strategies for Teenagers
How to Handle Teenagers Crossing Boundaries
6. Communicating with Teenagers Through Emotional Intelligence
How to Be an Emotional Coach for Your Teenager
The Skill of Talking to Teenagers
Building a Friendship Between Parents and Teenagers
The Secret to a Happy Teenage
7. Common Issues Between Parents and Teenagers and Solutions
Examples of Daily Issues Between Parents and Teenagers and How to Resolve Them
8. The Practical and Effective Part: What Does a Teenager's Inner Voice Sound Like?
A Practical Session with a Mother and Her Teenage Daughter: Asmaa and Joudy
A Practical Session with a Mother and Her Teenage Son: Nour and Youssef
A Practical Session with a Mother and Her Teenage Son: Marwa and Asser
A Practical Session with a Mother and Her Teenage Son: Omayma and Amr
A Practical Session with a Mother and Her Teenage Son: Habiba and Ruqaya
A Practical Session with a Mother and Her Teenage Son: Nisreen and Malek
Course Wrap Up
Teenage is one of the most challenging stages in our children's lives, where they experience physical and psychological changes that make them need understanding and guidance even more. Many parents feel their teenagers don’t listen to their advice, and a gap often forms between them. Others feel they have lost touch with their children, making it hard to grasp their needs and motivations. If you’re wondering how to deal with your teenage child and seeking effective ways to guide them, this course aims to equip parents with the tools and knowledge needed to build a healthy, lasting relationship with their teens. The course will help you understand the emotional and psychological needs of teenagers and explore the benefits of positive communication, which deeply reinforces mutual trust and respect between parents and teenagers. It covers common teenage issues and challenges, such as setting clear yet flexible boundaries, applying discipline thoughtfully, and addressing cases where teens may test these boundaries. Practical steps will also be presented to build a friendship with your children, understand why teens might break rules, and guide this behavior to help them take responsibility for their choices. Whether you’re dealing with minor daily challenges or more complex situations, this course provides communication strategies and techniques to make teenagers more open and trusting of you as a parent. It enables you to be their emotional coach, grounded in a deeper understanding of teenage psychology and their needs. You’ll also hear perspectives from teenagers, understanding their needs, the reasons behind their rebellion, and effective ways to support them positively. Join us on a journey to discover how to navigate the adolescent phase, seeing it as an opportunity to build a strong, supportive, and understanding relationship with your teenage children, filled with friendship and guidance.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Mental Health Expert & Family and Parenting coach
13 Learners
1 Course