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SDG 4: Quality Education

Everyday Business English At Work

Duration: 4 h 1 m / 47 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: Arabic

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Understand the difference between everyday English and English in practical life, and present yourself in the personal interview professionally using English.

  • Use English phrases and terms to write a professional email, as well as how to communicate during business meetings, take notes, and negotiate in sound, error-free language.

  • Enhance your skills when talking about your weaknesses and strengths in English, and use the grammatical rules of the English language used in business correctly and effectively.

  • Communicate and interact with colleagues within the work environment in English in various daily situations, and you will also be able to read numbers, times and dates correctly like a professional.

Course details

  • 4 h 1 m/47 lessons
  • Last updated: 23/1/2022
  • 3 learning resources
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

7 Minutes

Professional Email Writing

7 Minutes

Salary Negotiation

6 Minutes

About this course

English proficiency in the workplace is crucial for global opportunities and professional interactions. This course covers every day vs. workplace English, professional self-presentation in interviews, highlighting strengths and weaknesses fluently. Gain business English grammar proficiency, email writing skills, and adeptness in online meetings and negotiations. Master workplace communication, including reading numbers and dates accurately. Whether advancing your career or enhancing workplace communication, this course offers significant benefits.

Course requirements and prerequisites

This training course requires a good command of the English language.


Everyday Business English At Work

Duration: 4h 1m / 47 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic