categories: Arts, Design & Media
Level: Expert
Course Language: English
How animation controls work, together with learning how to control the character’s tongue, organize the scene you’re working on, and work with custom attributes.
The concept of rigging and its significance, in addition to getting familiar with Maya’s interface and how to use it and how to setup your scene for the first time.
How to build animation controls for your character’s face, including its jaws, eyes, head, and neck, together with creating facial expressions and finalizing the rig.
Free lessons
What is Rigging
Getting Familiar With Maya's Interface
Introducing The Freeform Deformer - Lattice
Controlling The Eyebrows Using The Lattice Deformer
1. Facial Rigging for Beginners in Maya | Animation
What is Rigging
Getting Familiar With Maya's Interface
Introducing The Freeform Deformer - Lattice
Controlling The Eyebrows Using The Lattice Deformer
Introduction To Clusters
Controlling The Eyebrows Lattice Using Clusters
Introduction To The Expression Editor
Setting Up A Fleshy Eye System
Fixing The Eyes
Organizing Our Scene
Building The Head And Neck Controls
Constraining The Head And Neck Controls
Cleaning Up The Transform Values Of Our Constrained Objects
Setting Up Controls For The Upper And Lower Jaws
Building Animation Controls For The Eyes
Constraining Eyes Using The Aim Constraint
Difference Between Fk And Ik Systems
Constraining Eyes Using The Ik System
Working With Custom Attributes
Adding Blinking Controls
Building A Dynamic Parenting System For The Eyes
Building Controls For The Eyebrows
Creating Global Controls For The Eyebrows
Setting Up Constraints For The Eyebrows
Finishing The Eyebrows
Using The Wrap Deformer To Rig The Eyebrows And Mustache Geometries
Controlling The Tongue (Part 1)
Controlling The Tongue (Part 2)
Adding A Nose Animation Control
Adding Ear Controls
Creating Facial Expression Shapes
Setting Up The Facial Expressions System
Finishing Our Facial Expressions Setup
Cleaning Up Our Rig
Conclusion And Assignment
If you’re to listen to what someone is saying without seeing their facial expressions, chances are that you won’t get the entire story as it was originally meant to be. Take that example and apply it to your favorite cartoon character. Would you feel how relatable they are and fall in love with them? The answer is no! That’s why in these three-part training courses, we will teach you how to rig the facial expression of your favorite character in Maya. What are you waiting for? Start learning now!
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
3D Artist & Graphic Designer
998 Learners
8 Courses