categories: Family & Relationships
That father is a role model just like the mother; kids imitate what they see, so instead of giving them orders, do the deed so your kids can imitate your behaviours.
How it’s important to show your kids love and kindness; it may be difficult for men sometimes to show love, but it is essential to show love for his kids.
That father's role never ends at a certain stage, starting from pregnancy to the rest of life, fathers should be involved in the daily lives of their children.
Free lessons
The Father's Role
1. Father's Role in Raising Kids
The Father's Role
How to Build the Relationship
Basic Needs of Children
The Value of Love
Respect and Self Worth
Courage and Strength
Generosity and Giving
Optimism and Simplicity
Determination and Trying
Every child needs an involved father. The course will introduce you to different studies highlighting the significance of the father's role in raising children. Learn all about understanding your children's needs and how to teach them courage, respect, giving, optimism, and much more. Discover how your physical and psychological support can influence your child's future, social skills, and achievements.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Senior Management Sonsultant and Leadership Coach
8,105 Learners
3 Courses