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categories: Kids Development

SDG 4: Quality Education

Fundamentals of the Montessori Method

Duration: 4 h 55 m / 44 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: Arabic

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Who Dr. Maria Montessori is, her philosophy, and how to implement it at home with children from birth until the age of three.

  • What the most important terminology in the Montessori method is, as well as its different developmental stages.

  • How to apply the Montessori method using activities that help develop the child's motor, mental, sensory, linguistic, social, and practical life skills.

Course details

  • 4 h 55 m/44 lessons
  • Last updated: 30/9/2017
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Who is Maria Montissori?

9 Minutes

How does the Montessori Method differ from the traditional one?

7 Minutes

Reward in the Montessori Method

6 Minutes

Punishment in the Montessori Method

7 Minutes

Criticism of Modern Punishment Methods

8 Minutes

About this course

Get introduced to the philosophy and approach of Dr. Maria Montessori, learn about the principles and tools of the Montessori method, and learn how to apply them at home with children from birth until the age of three. This course includes over fifty practical activities you can do with children of different ages to develop the child's motor, mental, sensory, linguistic, social, and practical life skills.

Course requirements and prerequisites

There are no requirements or prerequisites for this course; your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are the only things you need to gain the most benefit from it.


Fundamentals of the Montessori Method

Duration: 4h 55m / 44 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic