categories: Business & Professional Skills
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
Figuring out your company’s needs together with how to meet them through e-marketing companies and the various services and solutions they provide.
Learning with examples all about the digital transformation language and its key terms together with the types of websites and the basics of their creation and design.
Getting acquainted with the pragmatic criteria of choosing e-marketing and software companies, writing binding agreements, and properly exploiting their resources.
Free lessons
Introducing E-marketing Services
What Is Growth Hacking Marketing?
1. Guide To Contracting With e-marketing Companies
Introducing E-marketing Services
What Is Growth Hacking Marketing?
Main Types of Purchasing Behavior of Internet Customers
Common Mistakes Managers and Business Owners Make
Free Lancer or Company or In House Team Comparison ?
Business Model
The Most Important Technical Offers and Contracting (Exit or Expansion Door)
Criteria For Choosing The Best Digital Marketing Company
Basics of Securing Accounts
Setting Keys Performance Indicators and Evaluation
2. Guide To Contracting With Website Companies
The Importance of Owning a Website From a Business Perspective
Hosting, Its Importance and Types
Basic Feature Types to Determine Your Initial Needs
Stages of Designing Your Website
3. Guide To Contracting With Mobile Application Companies
The Importance of Creating an Application From a Business Perspective and When You Need It
Basics of Creating an Application and Examples of the Most Popular Types of Applications
Comparison Between Native and Hyper Application Programming and What Is PWA The Alternative
Dark Moon Face For Apps
Most Important Standards For Choosing Programming Company
Most Important Points In The Corporate Contracts With Programming Company (Part 1)
Most Important Points In The Corporate Contracts With Programming Company (Part 2)
Business owners and managers face great challenges in light of the varying services and prices provided by digital transformation companies, making it difficult for them to decide on choosing and managing the best e-marketing and programming company that suits their needs. This course provides a summary of the experiences of hundreds of contracts to achieve a successful and effective agreement and to correct false beliefs in the mentality of company owners and managers during the contracting process.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Digital Business Mentor
562 Learners
1 Course