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categories: Business Management

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

ISO 45001 Occupation Health & Safety Management System

Duration: 6 h 27 m / 44 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: Arabic

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Identify the basic principles, methods, and necessary strategies on which compliance management systems are based and how to apply them effectively.

  • Link ISO 37301 to other standards and regulations in compliance and how they are integrated into the system

  • Analyze complete and detailed understanding of ISO 37301 requirements as well as teach how to continually maintain and improve the compliance system to ensure sustainable objectives are met.

Course details

  • 6 h 27 m/44 lessons
  • Last updated: 10/12/2023
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Course Introduction

3 Minutes

What Is ISO?

10 Minutes

OH&S Standards

6 Minutes

Human Rights

11 Minutes

Cost of Accidents

21 Minutes

About this course

Occupational health and safety are essential aspects of any work environment, as every person aims to work in an environment that is safe and healthy. Providing this environment requires thoughtful planning and implementation of an occupational health and safety management system. In this course, we provide a comprehensive understanding of the global standard ISO 37301 and how to apply it effectively in your business setting. In addition to the best methods and practices for putting them into practice and maintaining them. The course will qualify you to help organizations set up processes that ensure they follow all the rules and regulations they need, to prevent any violations and to promote a culture of honesty, clarity, and openness.

Course requirements and prerequisites

Basic understanding of ISO management system standards & a general understanding of compliance. 


ISO 45001 Occupation Health & Safety Management System

Duration: 6h 27m / 44 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic