categories: Soft Skills
ِHow creative thinking tools enhance creativity and raise the entrepreneur's efficiency in generating new ideas and seeing issues from a different perspective.
Brainstorming is one of the main pillars of creative thinking by generating ideas through a specific group of participants based on suspending judgments or criticism.
How rapid technological change generates constant updates in your industry, at least every hour, so studies and research is a must to keep up with the compeition.
Free lessons
Course Objectives
Creativity and Innovation Creation
1. Innovation and Creative Thinking Tools
Course Objectives
Creativity and Innovation Creation
Creativity Effects
Let's Think Before We Decide
Specifications of the Work Environment that Supports Creativity
Look At Yourself
CORT Creative Thinking Tools 1
CORT Creative Thinking Tools 2
Other Tools for Creative Thinking
The Six Hats
Innovation Capabilities
Why Do Organizations Need to Innovate?
The Stages and Steps of the Idea Management Process
Types of Innovation
Creative and Innovative Ideas
Course Wrap Up
Human development is based on creativity and innovation. What we have reached today in a technological world with distinction would not have been achieved without the human embrace of the idea of creativity and innovation throughout the ages. The most advanced countries are those countries that have given creativity and innovation paramount importance and allowed them to present their creativity and innovations. This course will provide you with the creative thinking tools you need to adopt an innovative mindset in your life and career.
There are no requirememts for this course. Your interest in the topic and your committment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course
International Consultant Trainer
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21 Courses