categories: Technology & Innovation
Level: Specialized
Course Language: Arabic
The fundamentals of Database management, phases and steps of designing a database, the characteristics of the database approach and users and the physical design.
Definition of the database, database management system and database manipulation, in addition to understanding data analysis, conceptual design and logical design.
What is SQL, how to create a table in SQL, how to insert data in these tables and how to analyze these data so you could provide the user with the requirements.
Free lessons
Introduction To The course
What Is A Database?
Database Management Systems 1
Database Management Systems 2
1. Introduction To Database Systems
Introduction To The course
What Is A Database?
Database Management Systems 1
Database Management Systems 2
Phases For Designing A Database
Characteristics Of The Database Approach And Users
From Requirements Collection To Physical Design
ER Diagram: Entities And Attributes
ER Diagram: Relationships
ER Diagram: Cardinality Ratio
ER Diagram: Participation Constraints And Weak Entities
ER-To-Relational Mapping: Entities
ER-To-Relational Mapping: Weak Entities And Relationships
ER-To-Relational Mapping: Multivalued Attributes And N-ary Relationships
The Relational Model: Concepts ِAnd Characteristics
The Relational Model: Key Constraints
The Relational Model: Entity ِAnd Referential Integrity Constraints
The Relational Model: Semantic Constraints
The Relational Model: Handling Constrain Violations
SQL: Introduction
SQL: Create Table
SQL: Specifying Constraints 1
SQL: Specifying Constraints 2
SQL: Insert, Update, Delete
SQL: Basic Select Statement
SQL: Adding Where Clause
SQL: Nested Queries, Explicit Sets, Nulls
SQL: Joining Of Two Relations
SQL: Joining Of More Than Two Relations
SQL: Aggregate Functions
SQL: Group By And Having
SQL: Substring Comparison Using Like
SQL: Arithmetic Operations, Order By
SQL Summary And Course Wrap Up
Data is a concept that existed ever since humans decided to write down information on walls. Nonetheless, the science of databases is a relatively new field to study. This course will guide you step by step on how to create your database. The introduction to database systems begins with basic database design concepts and management, database development process, and characteristics and functions of Database Management Systems (DBMSs.)
It is preferable to have a fundamental understanding of computer sciences before you start this course.
Assistant Professor
1,949 Learners
1 Course