categories: Humanities
Level: Specialized
Course Language: English
How to read hieroglyphics, what some of the hieroglyphics masterpieces are, and what the history of hieroglyphics is.
How to read all the historical information engraved on the walls and on the stones by the pharaohs, and how to read the love stories and messages related to different places.
How the most famous pharaonic signs and icons have multiple meanings, what the elements of the ancient Egyptian language is, what its stages of development are, and what the different types of writings are.
Free lessons
Course Introduction
Example For Ancient Egyptian Text
Examples For Some Ancient Egyptian Signs And Their Meaning
1. Introduction To Egyptian Hieroglyphs - Part 2
Course Introduction
Example For Ancient Egyptian Text
Examples For Some Ancient Egyptian Signs And Their Meaning
Feminine In Ancient Egyptian Language
Prepositions In Ancient Egyptian Language
Family Members In Ancient Egyptian Society
Plural Masculine And Plural Feminine
Graphic Transpositions
Honorific Transpositions
Defective Or Strange Writings
Titles In Ancient Egyptian Language
Nominal & Verbal Sentences
Letters With One Sound
Signs That Give Two Sounds
Signs That Give Three Sounds
Important Signs In Ancient Egyptian Language 1
Important Signs In Ancient Egyptian Language 2
Singular, Plural & Dual
Negation In Sentences
Offering Formulas 1
Offering Formulas 2
Wrap Up
This course gives you a deeper and more insightful understanding of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. You will learn the popular ancient phrases, and the names of family members such as mother, father, brother, son, etc. You will also learn the different types of sentences, the types of letters, pronouns, adjectives, singular and plural forms, and how they formed negative sentences.
Completing the Introduction to Egyptian Hieroglyphs - Part 1 course before taking this course is necessary.
Hussein Bassir
1,257 Learners
2 Course