categories: Technology & Innovation
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
About common operating systems, applications, and programs, as well as getting familiar with the computer’s desktop, and how to use its components and control its icons.
How to create, copy, delete, and rename files and folders, control the width, height, and position of multiple windows, and make the most out of Control Panel.
How to take a screenshot, restore deleted files and folders, and protect your data and devices, together with learning about networks and their different types.
Free lessons
1. Introduction to Computer Essentials
Organize Files
Files and Extensions
Save and Save As
Open and File Properties
Microsoft Word
Storage and Compression
Tools and Settings
Windows Help and Task Manager
Removable Devices and Print Screen
Printers and Printing
Security and Well
We live in a world where technology is domineering the scene and becoming more ubiquitous one day after another. Accordingly, developing digital literacy, regardless of your age or career field, is imperative. Therefore, the optimum solution to your keenness to be digitally competent is the internationally recognized paradigm; ICDL, short for International Computer Driving License, to certify your IT skills. In this comprehensive five-part series you will learn how to, gradually yet steadily, take your computer skills to the next level and become the DIGITAL NATIVE you always longed to be.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
IT Coach
8,397 Learners
6 Courses