categories: Technology & Innovation
Identify what functions are, how to create traditional and high-order functions, why they’re of a paramount importance, as well as how to pass lists through those functions.
Recognize the foundational basics of programming, why you should learn programming using Python, as well as the materials you need to download and how to set up the environment.
Implement the basic foundations of the Python language and identify the types of functions to write your first codes using Python language.
Free lessons
Setup the Environment
1. Setup the Environment
Setup the Environment
2. Python basics
Type Casting
App 1 Get My Age
Logical Operation
Mathematical Operation
Order of Operation
If Statements
While, For Loops
Nested Loops
App 2 Degree
Control Statements
Exception Part:1
Exception Part:2
List, Tuple, Dictionary
Using For Loop With List
Built In Functions (BIF) 1
BIF 2: List, Tuple
BIF 3: Dictionary
BIF 4: String
BIF 5: Set
3. Function
Function Part:1
Function Part:2
Function Types
Passing List Through Function
Lambda Expression
Higher Order Function (HOF)
If you are still on the fence about where to start your programming learning journey, then this training course is designed to clear your doubts. In this all-in-one course, you will get introduced to one of the most popular programming languages; Python. Step by step, you will know how to write codes from scratch, use different functions. You are only one click away from discovering the programming world, so start learning now!
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Software Engineering Expert
8,188 Learners
39 Courses