categories: Technology & Innovation
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
The process that browsers go through to render web pages, what functions are and how to use them in a flexible manner, as well as the different types of arrays.
The basic must-know information about JavaScript, its importance in building websites, together with a general overview of HTML and CSS and how they all fit together.
How to store data in a website, how the website storage usually communicates with its interface, and how to use JavaScript to manipulate and modify DOM.
Free lessons
Introduction (JavaScript Story, Why/When to use)
Basic HTML Structure and Elements
Course Overview
Classes, Attributes and IDs
Settings & Tools (Git & VS Code)
CSS Basics
1. Introduction
Introduction (JavaScript Story, Why/When to use)
Course Overview
Settings & Tools (Git & VS Code)
2. Prework
Basic HTML Structure and Elements
Classes, Attributes and IDs
CSS Basics
Practice exercise - part 1
Practice exercise - part 2
3. Explore JavaScript
Types - (Strings, numbers)
Types - Objects
Types - null & undefined
Types - (Boolean - Equality - Symbol)
let, const, var
Experssion & Statments
If statement
Strict Mode
Consoles & debugging
Practice exercise
4. Functions
Function Parameter & Rest
Function Declaration vs expressions
Arrow function
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
Practice exercise
5. DataTypes
Reference vs Value
6. Loop and Iterations
Array for Each
For family (for, for in, for of) & while
Practice exercise
7. Scope & Clousre
8. This, New, Prototypes and Class
The this Keyword
The New Keyword & Prototype
Bind, Call and Apply
Review this keyword cases
9. Explore DOM, events
DOM and DOM Manipulation
Events - Targets and Bubbling
10. Web Storage API & Cookie
Web Storage Introduction
Client side VS Server side
Local Storage
Session Storage
11. APIs & Handlers with an Asynchronous Action's
Event Loop, Callback hell
12. Ajax & Final Practice
What's API, How it work
Final Practice exercise
Code splitting and organize project
13. What's next?
Given that you are already a developer or a developer-to-be, you should know that there is a directly proportional relationship between the time your users spend on your website and the level of interactivity it provides. That is the reason why when it comes to changing dull web pages into more engaging ones, JavaScript is your go-to solution. By embarking upon this learning journey, not only will you be able to learn about the foundational basics of JavaScript, but also master writing codes using the language.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Senior Software Engineer, Frontend
372 Learners
1 Course