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categories: Technology, Science & Productivity

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Learn Coding With C# From Scratch

Duration: 3 h 54 m / 64 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: English

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Identify the basics of C# and how to use its different tools. Then, you will learn about variables, data types, conversions, operators, and doing math.

  • Make different decisions: if - else if - else, and switch -case and you will learn about Object-Oriented Programming: Classes, Objects, Access Modifiers, and more.

  • Recognize the power of methods in C#, interfaces, and enumerations. Then, you will learn about Strings, Loops, Repetitions, and Iterators with real examples.

Course details

  • 3 h 54 m/64 lessons
  • Last updated: 1/5/2023
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Course Intro

2 Minutes

Variables theory

2 Minutes

Tools and Setup Theory

2 Minutes

Identifier rules

2 Minutes

Tools and Setup Hands-On

3 Minutes

Explanations Theory

2 Minutes

Explanations and Hints Hands-On

3 Minutes

About this course

If you want to become a professional C# programmer quickly and efficiently, in this training course, you will learn all the C# fundamentals needed from scratch and step-by-step. C# is so popular, powerful, easy, simple, Object-Oriented, and widely used programming language for building different applications: desktop applications, mobile applications, web applications, VR applications, and games using unity.

Course requirements and prerequisites

There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.


Learn Coding With C# From Scratch

Duration: 3h 54m / 64 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: English