categories: Technology & Innovation
Level: General
Course Language: English
Identify the basics of Java and learn how to use its tools and setup. Then, you will learn more about coding with Java and learning the best techniques.
Recognize different variables, data types, casting, operators, and doing mathematics. Then, you will learn about strings and working with text using Java techniques.
Make different decisions: if - else if - else, and switch -case and you will learn about Object-Oriented Programming: Classes, Objects, Access Modifiers, and more.
Free lessons
Course intro
Setup tools tips
Download and Install Java
Download and Install IDE
1. Java Introduction
Course intro
Setup tools tips
Download and Install Java
Download and Install IDE
First Program
Java is Fun in IntelliJ
2. Java Basics
Comments theory
Comments hands-on
Variables in Java theory
Variables hands-on
The basic data types theory
Data Types hands-on
Casting hands-on
Operations theory
Operators hands-on
Math with Java theory
Doing Math Op hands-on
Inputs and Outputs hands-on
3. Strings and working with text
Strings in Java theory
Strings and storing text op hands-on
4. Conditions and Decisions
Conditional Statements theory
Conditional if statement hands-on
Switch - case hands-on
5. Loops, Iterations, Controlling blocks
Loops in Java theory
The while and do while loops hands-on
The for loop and iterators hands-on
Controlling loops
6. Working with Arrays
Arrays in Java theory
Arrays in detail hands-on
7. Methods and Functional Programming
Methods in Java theory
Methods hands-on
8. Object-Oriented Programming with Java
Java OOP theory
OOP - Classes, Object, and More hands-on
OOP – Constructors hands-on
9. Advanced Object-Orientation with Java
OOP – Inheritance hands-on
OOP – Abstraction and Interfaces hands-on
OOP – Enumerations hands-on
Have you ever dreamed to master Java and become a professional Java programmer quickly and efficiently? In this training course, you will learn all the Java fundamentals needed from scratch. Java is so popular, powerful, easy, simple, secure, Object-Oriented, and widely used programming language. Java programming language is used for building web, mobile applications, and more. Therefore, learning this programming language will open many opportunities for you.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Software Development Engineer | Instructor and Expert in Software Engineering and Data Science
2,063 Learners
11 Courses