categories: Arts, Design & Media
Design user flows within the application, identify the plugins and download the most important ones, and get all the details of the components and variants.
Use the program from the beginning, get to know each tool in detail separately, the most important shortcuts, and save the project and deliver it to the client.
Define low and high-fidelity wireframes, use prototypes and effects between screens, and get practical training and project design from the beginning and step by step.
Free lessons
Download and Install the Program
The main interface of the program
Getting Started on the Program
Program shapes and their Properties
Dealing with Images and Modifying Them
1. Figma Main Tools
Download and Install the Program
The main interface of the program
Getting Started on the Program
Program shapes and their Properties
Dealing with Images and Modifying Them
Pen Tool
Align Objects and Shapes
Dealing with Colors and Saving Them
Text Tool
Text Style "Save Typography "
Guides and Grids
Comments Tool
Create Nested Pages
Save your Project and Export Assets
How to share your Project and Pages
Scale Tool
Auto Layout
Explore Figma Community and Plugins
2. Components and Variants
What are the components?
Variants Part-1
Variants Part-2
Variants Part-3
Variants and Booleans
3. Prototyping and The Basics of Animation
Create your Prototype using Figma - Part 1
Create your Prototype using Figma - Part 2
Create your Prototype using Figma - Part 3
4. More
Explore Side Drop Down List
Download Illustration from "Free Pik"
5. Getting Ready to Design your Project and Create Initial User Flow
Exploring Requirements and Starting the Project
Create Basic User Flow
Create user flow using Figjam - Part 1
Create user flow using Figjam - Part 2
6. Low Fidelity Wireframes
Low Fidelity Wireframes - Part 1
Low Fidelity Wireframes - Part 2
7. High Fidelity Wireframe "More Detailed Wireframe"
Create High Fidelity Wireframe - Part 1
Create High Fidelity Wireframe - Part 2
Create High Fidelity Wireframe - Part 3
Create High Fidelity Wireframe - Part 4
Create High Fidelity Wireframe - Part 5
Create High Fidelity Wireframe - Part 6
Create High Fidelity Wireframe - Part 7
Create High Fidelity Wireframe - Part 8
Create High Fidelity Wireframe - Part 9
8. Final Design (UI)
Final UI - Part 1
Final UI - Part 2
Final UI - Part 3
Final UI - Part 4
Figma is a web-based graphics editing and user interface design app. You can use it to do all kinds of graphic design work from wireframing websites, designing mobile app interfaces, prototyping designs, crafting social media posts, and everything in between. This course includes all the tools within the program with hands-on training on each tool separately. It will include designing a project from the beginning and the first thought of the idea, preparing the icons and images, and how to deal with them in the best possible way.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
UX/UI Designer
1,003 Learners
2 Course