categories: Wellbeing
Recognize the factors that cause tension and psychological pressure, and learn how to get rid of them in practical and effective ways.
Understand how to manage the stress of self-reflection and overcome the illusion of perfection. Set correct and appropriate criteria to evaluate yourself positively and logically.
Discover how to take advantage of difficulties and challenges to enhance your personal skills, rise up after every fall, and apply effective methods to achieve psychological peace.
Deal with challenges and changes in a flexible and positive spirit, which enables you to overcome difficulties and life circumstances in a way that does not affect your inner peace.
Free lessons
Stress Relief and Inner Peace
A way of Thinking About Difficult Life Circumstances
1. Make Peace with Life & Relieve Your Stress
Stress Relief and Inner Peace
Pressure Resulting From The Way You Think
Imprisonment of Idealism
False Standards
Ignorance Of Your Own Values
The Art of Falling
Mind Clearing and Purifying the Soul
Feeling of Loneliness
Leaving Flexibility and Enjoyment
Expecting Miracles and Not Being Attached
Dealing with Difficult People in your Life
A way of Thinking About Difficult Life Circumstances
Life is brimming with challenges and pressures, often leaving us feeling disturbed and stressed, impacting various facets of our lives. This course is meticulously crafted to equip you with strategies to effectively manage psychological stress and attain inner tranquility. Discover the root causes of psychological stress and learn practical methods to alleviate pressure. Delve into coping mechanisms for pressures stemming from self-perception and the pursuit of perfection, while mastering criteria for constructive self-evaluation. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity, fostering resilience and unwavering faith. Explore strategies for navigating difficult personalities and cultivating flexibility to overcome life's hurdles. Analyze cognitive patterns and adopt adaptive approaches to life's circumstances, fostering balance and peace within. Join us on this transformative journey to shed the shackles of psychological pressure and unlock your full potential.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Family Counselor, Psychotherapist and Life Coach
6,757 Learners
4 Courses