categories: Family & Relationships
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
The value of allocating time as a love languages that both parties should be keen to provide for the other by giving them part of their day to share activities.
The role of trust in the success of relationships, in addition to the factors of safety and reassurance, and that love alone can't make the relationship successful.
The criteria for evaluating the relationship, how to evaluate your relationship, elements of assessment and how to trust the process and what qualifies a good relation
Free lessons
Challenges in Relationships
Good vs Bad Relationship
Criteria for Evaluating the Relationship - Part 1
Criteria for Evaluating the Relationship - Part 2
1. Managing Challenges with Your Life Partner
Challenges in Relationships
Good vs Bad Relationship
Criteria for Evaluating the Relationship - Part 1
Criteria for Evaluating the Relationship - Part 2
Evaluate Your Relationship
Standard of Trust
Rebuilding Trust
The First Challenge
The Eye Glasses
Our Beliefs
The Second Challenge
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
The Third Challenge
Relationship Types
The Fourth Challenge
The 5 Love Languages - Part 1
The 5 Love Languages - Part 2
The Fifth Challenge
Blame and Defensiveness
Stonewalling and Contempt
The Journey of the Course
2. Audio Book
Book Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Having a successful relationship can be challenging, but you can grow your relationship with your partner through the proper guidance. Learn how to evaluate if your relationship with your life partner is under threat, explore the warning signs, and face any challenges that could arise to save your relationship. This course will take you through real-life examples of challenges that arise in a relationship. Through this interactive course, you will have the criteria to evaluate and assess the relationship.
There are no requirememts for this course. Your interest in the topic and your committment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course
Founder and CEO, Quest for Human Development
1,533 Learners
1 Course