categories: Business & Professional Skills
How to use Microsoft Excel to perform various practical mathematical equations and extract results from the reports by understanding how to use the Excel tools.
How to use pivot tables, analyze data in the table, and analyze these tables to forecast a future analysis using analysis tools to help in the decision-making process.
How to make a set of equations to help you to accomplish the work in efficiently, such as sum, the sum in the case of a condition and advanced formulas.
Free lessons
Building Advanced Excel Equations and Formula Part 1
Building Advanced Formula and Equations Part 2 (Count - Count if - Count ifs )
1. Microsoft Excel: Functions and analysis tools
Building Advanced Excel Equations and Formula Part 1
Building Advanced Formula and Equations Part 2 (Count - Count if - Count ifs )
Building Advanced Formula and Equations Part 3 (Max - Min - Small - Large )
Building Advanced Formula and Equations Part 4 (Vlookup)
Building Advanced Formula and Equations Part 5 (Vlookup)
Building Advanced Formula and equations Part 6 ( Match - Index )
Advanced Excel Tools : Tables
Table Styles and Formats
Table Dynamic Range
Table Formulas Building
Table Filters Options
Pivot Table Tools
Pivot Table Calculated Fields
Pivot Table : Show Value As Tool
Pivot Table Filter Options
Pivot Charts
What If Analysis : Goal Seek Tool
What if Analysis : Data Table Tool
Excel is a key for the success of a business, the amount of data stored and functions that can be done through excel is endless. This course is designed to provide you with an understanding of how to use the different functions and when, according to your needs. Using the Microsoft Excel program in making different equations and analysis is necessary for your job or business nowadays, especially for decision making. You will learn to practice Excel in a simple, straightforward way.
For this course you will need to install the Microsoft Excel Program, the version of the program will be mentioned at the beginning of the course.
Corporate Technical Trainer
3,673 Learners
1 Course