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categories: Kids Development

Life Improvement
SDG 4: Quality Education

Multiple Intelligences for Kids

Duration: 3 h 22 m / 44 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: Arabic

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • About the well-known signs of intelligence in children, which are curiosity and intrusion. Also, you will know that every child has a passion for learning.

  • About the features of each type of intelligence, like numerical-logical, linguistic/verbal, visual/spatial, physical/kinesthetic, musical, environmental, and social.

  • That every child has many strengths and weaknesses. Also, you will learn about how specialists use the Howard Scale in measuring children's intelligence.

Course details

  • 3 h 22 m/44 lessons
  • Last updated: 30/4/2021
  • 9 Quiz
  • 7 learning resources
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Leonardo da Vinci – The Hero of Multiple Intelligences

2 Minutes

Case Study

3 Minutes

What Is The Intelligence?

4 Minutes

Linguistic & Verbal intelligence for Kids

4 Minutes

What Is The Level Of Linguistic & Verbal intelligence of Your Kid?

7 Minutes
learning resources

About this course

The concept of intelligence is an ancient concept originated by Philosopher Sithron, where the philosophers relied on the observation method in explaining intelligence. They followed self-introspection through their thinking processes or any other mental activities and wrote down opinions and observations. Psychology's definitions of intelligence differed according to the aspect dealt with, so scientists differed, in general, on the elements of its definition. Some define it according to its composition and structure, and others according to its job and tasks. This course is delivered in Arabic.

Course requirements and prerequisites

There are no requirements or prerequisites for this course; your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are the only things you need to gain the most benefit from it.


Multiple Intelligences for Kids

Duration: 3h 22m / 44 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic