categories: Technology & Innovation
The concept of object-oriented programming from a theoretical and practical standpoint, together with how it is related to programming and how to deal with it.
An in-detail explanation of the main terminologies of object-oriented programming as well as how to exploit the latest features that Dart has to offer.
How to write codes from scratch, as well as getting acquainted with the concept of asynchronous programming and some examples and applications about it.
Free lessons
Class Object
Static & this
Setter & Getter
1. Object Oriented Programming
Class Object
Static & this
Setter & Getter
Inheritance & Override
Super Constructor
Abstract Interface & Multi Inheritance
Every Thing is Object
Final vs Const
Import and Package
Math Library
Date Time
Operator Overloading
Lexical Closure, Callable Function
Extension Function
2. Asynchronous Programming
Async / Await
Dart Packages
File System
3. The End
Null Safety
Required & Late
Final Project
Code Reviewing
Linting Rules
Despite the fact that object-oriented programming, or OOP for short, dates back to the 1960s, it only began to grow in the 1990s. Not only because it operates on scenarios that are close to the real world, but also makes the visualization process much easier. Not to mention that the compatible languages with this universal paradigm are several, including Dart. In this training course, not only will you get introduced to OOP in Dart from the very beginning but also learn about asynchronous programming coupled with the latest features of the language.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Software Engineering Expert
8,202 Learners
39 Courses