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categories: Soft Skills

Personal Development
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

Personal Planning Based on Activity Theory

Duration: 0 h 26 m / 5 lessons

Level: Specialized

Course Language: Arabic

Course details

  • 0 h 26 m/5 lessons
  • Last updated: 1/9/2024
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Basic Concepts

3 Minutes

About this course

Personal planning skills are among the most important skills an individual can possess to achieve success in both personal and professional life. The "Personal Planning According to Activity Theory course offers you the knowledge and tools necessary to develop effective plans that meet your aspirations and achieve your goals. The course is based on Activity Theory, an advanced theory that focuses on a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental elements that influence the execution of various activities. By reviewing basic management concepts and applying them to Activity Theory, you will learn how to clearly define topics and objectives, develop leadership skills to efficiently manage your activities, and prepare and manage budgets to make the most of available resources. Furthermore, the course delves into understanding the tools and rules that govern activities and how to use them wisely to achieve your goals. You will also learn the importance of collaboration and teamwork, and how to build effective teams that contribute to collective success. Through a practical personal planning model exemplified by travel planning, you will gain hands-on experience applying what you have learned. This course is a journey of exploration and empowerment. You will be equipped with the tools and knowledge to plan your life effectively, ready to face challenges and achieve the successes you aspire to. Join us on this journey and get ready to turn your ideas and goals into tangible reality.

Course requirements and prerequisites

There are no requirements or prerequisites for this course; your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are the only things you need to gain the most benefit from it. 


Personal Planning Based on Activity Theory

Duration: 26m / 5 lessons
Level: Specialized
Course Language: Arabic