categories: Family & Relationships
Visualize what to expect physically during early labor and identify what’s happening to your body, discomforts, and warning signs, during the late period of pregnancy.
Identify the labor stages and process and possible complications, and practice a variety of labor positions, through learning different techniques to ease back pain in labor.
Explore scenarios in which a cesarean birth is beneficial, as well as steps to avoid unnecessary intervention. Moreover, reflect on approaches to practice that are critical to promoting a positive breastfeeding experience.
Free lessons
Course Introduction
Pregnancy Problems
Safe and Unsafe Things During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Birth Signs
1. Course Introduction
Course Introduction
2. Body Changes at the End of Pregnancy
Pregnancy Problems
Safe and Unsafe Things During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Birth Signs
Initial Signs of Birth
3. Stages of Birth
Stages of Birth
Breathing 1
Breathing 2
Medical Interventions at the Stage of Pushing the Baby
Obstacles of Natural Birth
Postpartum Changes
How Can a Partner Help in the Delivery Room?
Birth Chart
Tips to Facilitate the Birth Process
Caesarean Delivery
4. Important Medications for This Stage
Three Medications for Obstetrics
Epidural Anaesthetic
Medical Interventions in the Delivery Room
Artificial Labor Induction
5. Breastfeeding
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Positions
Latching 1
Latching 2
Growth Spurts
Breastfeeding Problems
Breast Pumps Types
Breast Pumps Types
Good and Bad Food During Breastfeeding
Formula Milk
6. How to Deal With a Newborn Baby
Signs in Newborns
Five Ways to Put a Child to Sleep
Baby Sleeping Positions
Important Medical Information for Your Child's Health
Changing the Diaper
Taking Care of the Child's Navel
Course Wrap Up
To all moms-to-be! Get ready for the most incredible moment of your pregnancy journey. Our "Preparing for Labor and Early Motherhood" course covers everything from late pregnancy to post-labor. Learn about physical changes, how to cope with them, when to go to the hospital, birth stages, complications, comfort, and pain alleviation techniques. You will gain insightful information about breastfeeding and newborn care. Enroll now and step into motherhood with confidence and knowledge. Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity!
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Infants and Motherhood Specialist
144 Learners
1 Course