categories: Technology & Innovation
Level: General
Course Language: English
Use the R working tools and environment for professionals and the R syntax. Then, you will learn how to explain and describe the code by using comments.
Perform mathematical operations, type conversion, built-in functions, and many useful built-in functions for math operations. Then, you will learn about variables, values, and assignments.
Handle different operations on variables and values using operators, and use data visualizations and graphics in R: drawing points, line plotting, pie charts, and more.
Free lessons
Course Intro
Variables in detail 1
Downloading and Installing R
Variables in detail 2
Downloading and Installing the RStudio IDE
Variables in detail 3
Setup working directory
Variables in detail 4
Data Types 1
Data Types 2
1. Introduction
Course Intro
Downloading and Installing R
Downloading and Installing the RStudio IDE
Setup working directory
2. Variables, Data Types and Hints
Variables in detail 1
Variables in detail 2
Variables in detail 3
Variables in detail 4
Data Types 1
Data Types 2
Data Types 3
Code hints
3. Numbers and Math
Type of numbers
Type Conversion
Math operations
4. Characters
Strings 1
Strings 2
Strings 3
Strings 4
Strings 5
Strings 6
Strings 7
5. Logical and operators
Logical values 1
Logical values 2
Operators 1
Operators 2
Operators 3
Operators 4
Operators 5
6. DS – Vectors
Vectors 1
Vectors 2
Vectors 3
Vectors 4
Vectors 5
Vectors 6
Vectors 7
7. DS – Lists
Lists 1
Lists 2
Lists 3
Lists 4
8. DS – Matrices
DS - Matrices 1
DS - Matrices 2
DS - Matrices 3
DS - Matrices 4
DS - Matrices 5
9. DS – Arrays
DS - Arrays 1
DS - Arrays 2
DS - Arrays 3
DS - Arrays 4
DS - Arrays 5
10. DS - Data Frame
DS - Data Frame 1
DS - Data Frame 2
DS - Data Frame 3
DS - Data Frame 4
DS - Data Frame 5
DS - Data Frame 6
11. DS – Factors
DS - Factors 1
DS - Factors 2
DS - Factors 3
DS - Factors 4
12. Decision making
Conditional statements 1
Conditional statements 2
Conditional statements 3
Conditional statements 4
13. Repetition
While loop 1
While loop 2
While loop 3
For loop 1
For loop 2
For loop 3
For loop 4
14. Functional Programming
Functions 1
Functions 2
Functions 3
Functions 4
Functions 5
15. Statistics and Data analysis
Statistics and data analysis 1
Statistics and data analysis 2
Statistics and data analysis 3
Statistics and data analysis 4
Statistics and data analysis 5
16. Data Visualization and Graphics
Plotting in R 1
Plotting in R 2
Plotting in R 3
Plotting in R 4
Lines 1
Lines 2
Lines 3
Pie Charts 1
Pie Charts 2
Pie Charts 3
Bars and Histograms 1
Bars and Histograms 2
Bars and Histograms 3
Bars and Histograms 4
Bars and Histograms 5
R is one of the most powerful programming languages, for statistical computing and graphical presentation to analyze and visualize data. Therefore, in this training course, you will learn how to code with R from the R basics to the R advanced concepts. You will also explore how the R programming language can be used today for data analysis and the production of beautiful data visualizations and graphics.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Software Development Engineer | Instructor and Expert in Software Engineering and Data Science
1,955 Learners
11 Courses