categories: Family & Relationships
Level: General
Course Language: English
Feelings play a vital role in our lives; whether positive or negative, our feelings are our first means of dealing with the world and responding to its changes.
For the child to communicate with the world he must first feel that this is his parents' desire and that it is safe for him because they are a source of safety for him.
Emotional intelligence is an essential skill for survival, as critical as analytical and mental intelligence because it helps to deal with difficult personalities.
Free lessons
Emotional Intelligence Definition
Parenting Styles
How to Deal with Tantrums and Disappointments
1. Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children
Emotional Intelligence Definition
Parenting Styles
How to Deal with Tantrums and Disappointments
Skill 1 to Build Empathy
Skill 2 to Build Empathy
Skill 3 to Build Empathy
Skill 4 to Build Empathy
Skill 5 & 6 to Build Empathy
Why these Skills Encourage Emotional Intelligence
Impact of Labelling on Children
6 Skills to Free Children from Labels
Self-esteem Definition
Signs of Low Self-esteem
9 Skills to Build Self-esteem
How to Help Children Become Independent
6 Skills to Build Independence
Unhelpful Method Used to Make Children Cooperate
The Cooperation Model (Stages 1 to 3)
The Cooperation Model (Stages 4 to 6)
Skills 1,2 & 3 to Encourage Cooperation
Skills 4,5, 6 to Encourage Cooperation
5 Skills Instead of Punishment
Skill 6 Instead of Punishment
The process of raising a child with emotional intelligence begins from the first days of the child. It is a highly sensitive process because its results accompany the child for the rest of his life and contribute to shaping his future and life, either by living a happy and satisfying life or a miserable life filled with suffering. This course will cover many topics under the umbrella of Emotional Intelligence and Resilience. It will allow parents to empathize with their children while helping them deal with their feelings.
This course requires a basic to intermediate level of English because the course is delivered entirely in English.
Relationships Coach
16,425 Learners
4 Courses