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categories: Lifestyle & Health

Life Improvement
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

Ramadank Smart

Duration: 1 h 27 m / 20 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: Arabic

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Identify how to fast to boost your health and energy. Then, you will learn how to eat to support your health and balance your blood sugar level and hormones with fasting.

  • Manage challenges like gatherings and temptations smartly, and overcome low energy, caffeine, and sugar withdrawals. Then, you will learn to handle cravings wisely.

  • Sustain your weight during the fasting season and build new habits for a balanced routine, and you will learn how to have a regulated bowel movement.

Course details

  • 1 h 27 m/20 lessons
  • Last updated: 22/3/2023
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Course Introduction

1 Minutes

Fasting Benefits

3 Minutes

About this course

Ramadan is the month of blessings and giving. Therefore, this training course is prepared to help you learn how to make balance between your worship, gatherings, and different challenges effectively. Also, by learning some special tips and principles, you will identify how you can build a healthy routine and overcome low energy and caffeine to sustain your general health and energy during fasting.

Course requirements and prerequisites

There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.


Ramadank Smart

Duration: 1h 27m / 20 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic