categories: Technology & Innovation
Create and modify tables by setting constraints to columns and using some of the most useful built-in functions in SQL as well as data type conversion.
Select and filter data using SQL, fetch data for useful reports, and manipulate data by adding new records and modifying or deleting the existing ones.
What's meant by a database, how it works, the different database types and differences between them, and what is the importance of the database.
Free lessons
Download PostgreSQL
Tools Used in This Course
Install PostgreSQL
Download SQLectron
1. Introduction
Tools Used in This Course
2. Setting Up Course Tools
Download PostgreSQL
Install PostgreSQL
Download SQLectron
Install SQLectron
Connect to PostgreSQL - Credentials
Connect to PostgreSQL Using SQLectron
Import Course Data Using SQLectron
FOR WINDOWS 32-BIT USERS: SQL Alternative - DBeaver
3. Browsing & Filtering Data
Check Imported Data
What is a Database?
SQL Data Types
Extracting Data Based on Requirements
Filtering Data using WHERE Keyword
Filter Data by Range Using BETWEEN
Filter Data by Set of Values Using IN
Filter Data by Date
More Filtering by Date
Another Query Filtering by Date
Filter Data by Strings (Names, Addresses, ...)
More Filtering by Strings
More Filtering by Strings 2
More Filtering by Strings 3
How to Ignore Caps when Filtering by String
4. Filter Data with AND, OR, NOT Operators
AND Operator
OR Operator
NOT Operator
AND, OR & NOT Operators: Which Has The Highest Priority?
5. Math Operations
Basic Math Operations
Modulo Operator
It's Payday! Calculate The Net Salary for Employees
Filter Data with Math Equations
6. String Concatenation
Concatenate Strings with '||' Operator
Concatenate Strings with Numbers
7. Tidy Up Your Results: Sorting, Alias Names, Limit Records
Give Your Report Fields A Cool Name
A Report for Payroll
Order Records by Column
Order Records by Multiple Columns
How Alias Names Cannot Be Used with WHERE
LIMIT Record Count Fetched by Your Query
Data analysis requires working with a large amount of data and performing manipulation on it. If you are interested in data science and want to pursue a career in it, SQL is listed as one of the most in-demand skills in the skill set for data analyst roles. Therefore, this course was prepared to help you learn about SQL (Structured Query Language), a language so prominent for relational databases, databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and more.
This course requires a PC or laptop with average performance and any operating system installed.
Data Engineer
987 Learners
3 Courses