categories: Arts, Design & Media
Level: Specialized
Course Language: Arabic
How to professionally create animated videos using stop motion animation, and how to use advanced tools like professional cameras, lighting, and software.
How to set up your professional camera and other tools to start filming, and how to use the Dragonframe filming software.
How to shoot more complicated scenes that have different objects, have multiple layers, or where items fly or disappear, and how to use chroma.
Free lessons
Course Introduction
Before You Start Shooting
Setting Up The Background And Foreground
1. Stop Motion Animation Filmmaking - Level 2
Course Introduction
Before You Start Shooting
Setting Up The Background And Foreground
Setting Up Your Tripod And Camera
Setting Up The Lighting
Animation Software Overview: Dragonframe 1
Animation Software Overview: Dragonframe 2
Frame Rate
Shooting First Scene: Objects On Wheels
Shooting Characters Walking
Using Chroma: Green Or Blue Screen 1
Using Chroma: Green Or Blue Screen 2
Difference Between Shooting Multilayered Scene On Live Video And Chroma
Exporting The Video From The Dragonframe
Editing Software Overview: Final Cut Pro 10
Editing The Video 1
Editing The Video 2
Optical Flow
Removing Chroma (Keying)
Editing multi-layered Scene
Adding Sound Effencts & Exporting The Video
The art of making animated videos—cartoon animation, computer-generated imagery (CGI), and most importantly, stop motion animation—is complex. This course will illustrate the fundamental basics for intermediate and expert animators to prepare, film and edit an animated video using stop motion animation techniques. In this course, you will learn how to adjust camera settings, set up lighting, and correctly place the objects that will be animated. In addition, you will also learn how to use the different editing and animation softwares that you will need to create your first animated movie.
Completing the Introduction to Stop Motion Animation Filmmaking - Level 1 course is preferable.
This course requires a DSLR or mirrorless camera.
This course requires the installation of the Dragonframe program.
This course requires the installation of Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere.
Filmmaker & Stop Motion Animator
1,758 Learners
2 Course