categories: Wellbeing
Level: Specialized
Course Language: Arabic
The importance of taking daily relaxing breaks to overcome stress reduces negative emotions and jealousy; you will also learn new ways to overcome anger.
How to enhance your ability to cope with adversity; you will learn how to improve your emotional awareness, increase your sense of control, and enhance your gratitude.
To recognise the problem so that you can solve it, you will be able to identify the sources of your stress, and you will learn how to manage these stresses better.
Free lessons
Stress & Tolerations
Types of Tolerations - 1
1. Stress Management
Stress & Tolerations
Types of Tolerations - 1
Types of Tolerations - 2
Types of Tolerations - 3
Types of Tolerations - 4
Managing Life Tolerations - 1
Managing Life Tolerations -2
Managing Tolerations Related to Others - 1
Managing Tolerations Related to Others - 2
Managing Self Tolerations -1
Managing Self Tolerations - 2
Managing Self Tolerations - 3
It's hard to avoid stress these days with life being so demanding of your time and attention. The challenges and pressures of life in today's fast-paced world can significantly impact our mental health. We may not notice these significant effects on the level of our stress, peace of mind, and balance, which may leave us confused, and not knowing how to deal with this increased stress. This course discusses the various sources of stress and the best way to manage each of them, and how with good stress-handling skills, you can healthily cope with stress.
There are no requirememts for this course. Your interest in the topic and your committment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course
Coach and Organizational Psychologist Expert in Leadership and Cultural Transformation
58,050 Learners
5 Courses