categories: Arts, Design & Media
Level: Specialized
Course Language: Arabic
All you need to know about the role of a television reporter, its significance in the media, what does this role entitles and how to start a job as a television reporter.
What are the methods and technicalities that help a television reporter master his job, you will learn about field assignments and how correspondent's interference work.
How to prepare before going to the field, what do once you arrive, how to deal with the camera and look as if you are looking directly into the audience eyes.
Free lessons
Introduction: Media and Television
Language And Presenting
1. TV Correspondent: Skills And Techniques
Introduction: Media and Television
Language And Presenting
The TV Correspondent
The Camera And The Photographer
Television Image - Part 1
Television Image - Part 2
Correspondent's Interference - Part 1
Correspondent's Interference - Part 2
The Correspondent In The Field
Field Assignments
Preparing A News Report
TV News
News Feed Editing
War Through Media And Press Conferences
Practical Exercises
The Correspondent's Feelings
Find out all you need to know about the role of the tv correspondent. This course will cover all the basics that you need to consider if you are thinking of becoming a tv correspondent, from the history of media and television to field reporting. The course will cover a detailed description of the TV correspondent's roles and duties, prepare TV reports and their different types, deal with news, handle live interviews, and other essential details that should be considered when handling such an important role.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Media Advisor And Experienced Executive Editor
789 Learners
2 Course