categories: Wellbeing
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
All the essential information on diseases and issues, and the knowledge necessary to maintain good health for your kids till they reach the adulthood stage.
The common diseases, rare diseases, and mild diseases that children and adults can catch as well as prevention methods, precautions, and universal concepts.
About critical medical information when dealing with your kid's health while also providing you with treatment approaches to different diseases if your kid got it.
Free lessons
The Lunchbox
1. The ''Must Know'' About Your Own Kids' Health
Why Kids' Health?
The Pacifier
Kids Nutrition - Part 1
Kids Nutrition - Part 2
Sleeping Rhythm
The Lunchbox
Omega 3
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Ear Wax
Delay in Speech
High Fever
Febrile Convulsion
Alexander Fleming
Common Cold Vs The Flu
Avoiding Sickness
The Germs - Common Places
The Croup
The Mobile
Bed Wetting
Fecal Incontinence
Allergies in Kids
Discover all you need to know about your kids' health and stay up to date with the latest medical information. Expand and assure your knowledge of medicine with a course based on "Evidence-Based Medicine!" As a new mom, many things you experience and go through are new territory, so you have to be prepared. This course provides new parents with all the information they will need to raise a perfectly happy and healthy child. The course will bust common myth and provide you with the information your need to protect your kids from getting sick.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
15,968 Learners
3 Courses