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categories: Sales & Marketing

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

The Marketing Guru - Leading Through Marketing

Duration: 2 h 45 m / 22 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: Arabic

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Identify the meaning of brand and what is marketing. Then, you will learn how to build emotional connections between your brand and the customers successfully.

  • Discuss the customer's relationship management and apply the concept of marketing. Then, you will learn how to use Lean Creativity Toolkit in marketing.

  • Explain the Six Thinking Hats​ and how to apply it, apply the 4 Cs projects guide​ in marketing, and explain the business model and its relation with marketing.

Course details

  • 2 h 45 m/22 lessons
  • Last updated: 29/3/2023
  • 5 Quiz
  • 3 learning resources
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Course Introduction

7 Minutes

Understanding Marketing

5 Minutes

Creativity Cycle (Part 2)

7 Minutes

About this course

If you are a marketeer or you want to start your career in marketing, this course is for you. You will learn about the principles of marketing, the fundamentals of branding, and the simple marketing system. The course also covers how to apply the concept of marketing and use the lean creativity toolkit in marketing, the 6 hats of thinking, the lead funnel process,​ and the business model to help you become a leader who leads a whole company through marketing.

Course requirements and prerequisites

There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.


The Marketing Guru - Leading Through Marketing

Duration: 2h 45m / 22 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic