categories: Family & Relationships
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
Why trust and self-confidence are a must between the parents and the teenager and how to build a strong bond no one can break it, through mutual trust.
Why reprimanding is one of the most harmful behaviors in the relationship between parents and the teenager; and why it is vital to help teenagers overcome problems.
The significance of friends role in the teenager life and the impact of the external environment on them as it may influence them directly more than the family.
Free lessons
General Outlook That Affects Parenting
The Head Fake Principle
1. Tips For Positive Parenting Your Teen
General Outlook That Affects Parenting
The Head Fake Principle
The Proactive Parenting Model
The Element Of Security
Consequences Of Your Child's Actions
Avoiding Unnecessary Arguments: Pushing The Other's Buttons
Avoiding Unnecessary Arguments: Using Brain Dead Phrases
When To Use Brain Dead Phrases
The Element Of Nurturance
Tips On Creating A Nurturing Environment
Types Of Intelligences
Fear Based Relationship Vs Love Based Relationship
Parent characteristics: Self Awareness
Parent characteristics: Self Responsibility
Parent Characteristics: Self Acceptance
Parenting teenagers can be challenging, and many parents find it hard to adapt to changes in their child's behavior as they grow up. This course provides a detailed positive parenting model that serves as a practical guide for parents on dealing effectively with their teenage children. This course demonstrates a comprehensive parenting model that covers all the basic principles needed for effective parenting, suitable for both parents and caregivers in general. You will learn about arguments, the reasons behind them, their effects and how to avoid them.
There are no requirememts for this course. Your interest in the topic and your committment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course
Coach and Organizational Psychologist Expert in Leadership and Cultural Transformation
58,043 Learners
5 Courses