categories: Technology & Innovation
Level: Specialized
Course Language: Arabic
To identify how to write and perform mathematical operations as you will master the use of 40 of the most important functions in Excel, with practical examples of their use.
To recognize how to be professional user in Excel and how to become an expert in Excel formulas and functions.
To apply practical Excel examples and you will have downloadable Excel resources for practice.
Free lessons
Course Introdcution
Excel Formulas
Excel Sequences
1. Introduction
Course Introdcution
2. Excel Formulas
Excel Formulas
Excel Sequences
3. Mathemetical Functions
Basic Functions
Count Functions
CountIF & SumIF Functions
4. Text Functions
Left, Right & Mid Functions
Upper, Lower & Proper Functions
Concatenate Function
Len, Trim & Rept Functions
Type & Exact Functions
Hyperlink Functions
5. Date & Time Functions
Today & Now Functions
Year, Month, Day & Date Functions
Hour, Minute, Second & Time Functions
Edate Function
Weekday & Days Functions
Datedif Function
6. Logical Functions
IF Function
AND & OR Functions
7. Lookup Functions
VLOOKUP Function
In today's data-driven world, Microsoft Excel has become an indispensable tool for professionals across various industries and Excel functions are very important in processing data and obtaining useful information for individuals, employees, and managers in order to make the right decisions. In this course, we will study 40 of the most important functions in Excel, with practical examples of their use. The course also contains all the Excel files explained in the various videos, and each file contains more than one sheet in order to apply the functions explained in the video. We intended to have all the functions for a certain type in one file together so that this file will be a reference for the student to know the types and methods of applying these functions.
This course requires knowledge about the basics of Excel in order to achieve the utmost benefit in addition to your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning.
Management Consultant & Trainer
2,911 Learners
2 Course