categories: Technology & Innovation
Build a social network app from scratch, step by step.
Set up Django authentication with secure login and logout pages.
Create media files, custom user models, and design profile and account settings pages.
Understand and implement key database relationships.
Design a posts model, create an interface for publishing posts, and add a friend search feature with interactive profiles.
Develop a dynamic Newsfeed and implement follow/unfollow features for a complete social network experience.
Free lessons
Social Network App Overview
Section Outcome
Project Setup | Part 1
Project Setup | Part 2
1. Authentication
Social Network App Overview
Section Outcome
Project Setup | Part 1
Project Setup | Part 2
Project Setup | Part 2
UI Improvements
2. Media Files
Media Files
Custom User Model
Account Settings Page
Profile Page
UI Improvements
3. Database Relations
One to many & one to one relations
Many to Many relations
4. Posts
Post Model
Post Create View
Post List View
Get Number of Posts for each user
UI Improvements
5. Friend's Profile
Friend's Profile | Part 1
Friend's Profile | Part 2
Sending variables to template | context data
Redirect to profile
6. Search For Friends
Search Form
Search Results ( Users List View )
UI Improvements
7. Follow & Unfollow Friends
Friends Model
Follow users
Unfollow Users
Hide Follow/unfollow button
8. Newsfeed ( Homepage )
Homepage Listview
Get followings of logged in user
Get Queryset
UI Improvements
In this advanced Django and Python course, you’ll build a full-featured social media app from scratch, focusing on both functionality and user experience. Start by mastering secure user authentication, including login and logout, with UI enhancements for a seamless experience. Learn how to handle media files, create custom user models, and design personalized profile pages. Dive into database relationships, covering one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many associations for efficient data management. Develop the post feature, including creating a post model, displaying posts, and tracking user activity. Enhance the app with a friend profile, search functionality, and features to follow or unfollow friends. Complete the course by building an engaging Newsfeed to showcase updates effectively. By the end, you’ll be equipped to create scalable social media platforms using Django and Python, ready for real-world projects.
If you wish to have more information, we recommend you check part 1, part 2, and part 3 of this course.
Software Engineer
694 Learners
4 Courses