categories: Business & Professional Skills
Definition of work ethics and how to acquire them and understand the ethical theories associated with these skills and their impact on performance standards.
The importance of honesty and trust, initiative and discipline, teamwork in positively affecting the work environment, and the importance of showing positive attitudes.
How to direct the efforts of all employees to develop the organization through unifying the ethics and etiquette of dealing with all stakeholders in the workplace.
Free lessons
Work Environment Ethics
Standards for performing business ethics
1. Work Ethics
Work Environment Ethics
Standards for performing business ethics
Personality in the workplace
Honesty and trust
Initiative and discipline
The appearance
Showing a positive attitude
Workplace productivity
Organizational skills
Communication 1
Communication 2
How do we deal with coworkers 1
How do we deal with coworkers 2
How do we deal with coworkers 3
How do we deal with coworkers 4
How do we deal with coworkers 5
How do we deal with coworkers 6
Work efficiently
Respecting the differences
Helping others
Work ethic is a valuable attribute that employers look for in every industry. Showing the values associated with a good work ethic can increase your employability and help you position yourself for better job opportunities. In addition, employees with excellent work ethic often receive special projects and prospects because they’re reliable, dedicated and disciplined. Workplace etiquette and words we use in every conversation directly impact our relations with our managers, peers, and subordinates.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
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